* Represents a MongoDB model that provides methods for interacting with a specific collection.
* @class
import Message from './Message';
import QueryBuilder from './QueryBuilder';
import {
} from './types';
import FieldTypes from './FieldTypes';
class Model {
* The `QueryBuilder` instance
private $queryBuilder: QueryBuilder;
* The name of the MongoDB collection associated with the model.
* @private
* @type {string}
private $name: string = '';
* An array of field options specifying the schema for the MongoDB collection.
* @private
* @type {FieldOptions[]}
private $fieldOptions: FieldOptions[] = [];
* An array of index options specifying the indexes to be created for the MongoDB collection.
* @private
* @type {IndexOptions[]}
private $indexOptions: IndexOptions[] = [];
* Additional options for the model.
* @private
* @type {OtherOptions}
private $otherOptions: OtherOptions = {
debug: false,
log: -1
* Creates an instance of the Model class.
* @constructor
* @param {string} collectionName - The name of the MongoDB collection.
* @param {FieldOptions[]} [fieldOptions=[]] - An array of field options specifying the schema.
* @param {IndexOptions[]} [indexOptions=[]] - An array of index options specifying the indexes.
* @param {OtherOptions} [otherOptions] - Additional options for the model.
* @throws {Error} If the provided field options include reserved names like 'createdAt' or 'updatedAt'.
constructor(collectionName: string, fieldOptions: FieldOptions[] = [], indexOptions: IndexOptions[] = [], otherOptions?: OtherOptions) {
this.$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder();
this.$name = String(collectionName);
this.$fieldOptions = fieldOptions;
this.$indexOptions = indexOptions;
this.$otherOptions = {
debug: otherOptions?.debug || false,
log: otherOptions?.log || -1
this.$fieldOptions.forEach((field) => this.processDefault(field));
const checkBadFields = this.$fieldOptions.filter((field) => ['createdAt', 'updatedAt'].includes(field.name));
if (checkBadFields?.length !== 0) throw new Error(`You cannot use the field names createdAt or updatedAt as they are reserved for the ORM.`);
* Generates indexes for the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @private
* @method
* @async
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the index creation process.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A Promise that resolves when all indexes are successfully generated.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* await this.generateIndexes();
generateIndexes = async () => {
this.$indexOptions.forEach(async (index) => {
const params: { [key: string]: string | boolean } = {};
if (index.unique) params.unique = true;
if (index.name) params.name = index.name;
await this.$queryBuilder.createIndex(this.$name, index.fields, params);
Message(`Generated indexes for ${this.$name} (${this.$indexOptions.length} total).`);
* Dispatches an asynchronous action with optional debugging and logging.
* @private
* @method
* @async
* @param {Function} fn - The function to be executed.
* @param {MongoQuery} [query={}] - The MongoDB query associated with the action.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the action execution.
* @returns {Promise<any>} A Promise that resolves with the result of the action.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const result = await this.dispatchAction(async () => await someAsyncFunction(), { key: 'value' });
private dispatchAction: MongoDispatchAction = async (fn, query = {}) => {
if (this.$otherOptions.debug) {
const start = new Date().getTime();
const result = await fn();
const end = new Date().getTime();
const total = end - start;
if (this.$otherOptions.log !== -1 && total > this.$otherOptions.log) {
this.$queryBuilder.insertOne('_mongoOrmDebug', {
model: this.$name,
query: JSON.stringify(query, null, 2),
time: total,
date: new Date()
return result;
} else {
return await fn();
* Processes the default values for fields with default values defined in the schema.
* @private
* @method
* @param {FieldOptions} field - The field options for a specific field.
* @throws {Error} If a default value is incompatible with the field type.
private processDefault = (field: FieldOptions) => {
if (typeof field.default === 'undefined' || field.type === FieldTypes.Mixed) return;
if (field.type === FieldTypes.String && typeof field.default !== 'string' && field.default !== null)
throw new Error(`Field is of type string but the default value is not a string or null.`);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Number && typeof field.default !== 'number' && field.default !== null)
throw new Error(`Field is of type number but the default value is not a number or null.`);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Boolean && typeof field.default !== 'boolean')
throw new Error(`Field is of type boolean but the default value is not a boolean.`);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Date && !(field.default instanceof Date)) throw new Error(`Field is of type date but the default value is not a date.`);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Array && !Array.isArray(field.default)) throw new Error(`Field is of type array but the default value is not an array.`);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Object && typeof field.default !== 'object' && field.default !== null)
throw new Error(`Field is of type object but the default value is not an object or null.`);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.ObjectId && typeof field.default !== 'string' && field.default !== null)
throw new Error(`Field is of type objectId but the default value is not a string or null.`);
* Processes a document before insertion or update, applying default values and type conversions.
* @private
* @method
* @param {MongoDocument} document - The document to be processed.
* @param {boolean} [isUpdate=false] - Indicates whether the document is being updated.
* @returns {MongoDocument} The processed document.
private processDocument = (document: MongoDocument, isUpdate: boolean = false) => {
const processedDocument: MongoDocument = {};
// If this is a new document, process the default values
if (!isUpdate) {
const fieldLength = this.$fieldOptions.length;
for (let i = 0; i < fieldLength; i++) {
const field = this.$fieldOptions[i];
if (document[field.name]) {
if (field.type === FieldTypes.Date) processedDocument[field.name] = new Date(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Number) processedDocument[field.name] = Number(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Boolean) processedDocument[field.name] = Boolean(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.ObjectId) processedDocument[field.name] = String(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Array && !Array.isArray(document[field.name])) processedDocument[field.name] = Array(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Object) processedDocument[field.name] = Object(document[field.name]);
else processedDocument[field.name] = document[field.name];
} else if (typeof field.default !== 'undefined') processedDocument[field.name] = field.default;
else if (!isUpdate && field.required)
throw new Error(`Field ${field.name} is required but was not provided a value and does not have a default value to back up off.`);
// If this is NOT a new document, do not process fields that won't exist
} else if (isUpdate) {
const totalFields = Object.keys(document).length;
for (let i = 0; i < totalFields; i++) {
const field = this.$fieldOptions.find((f) => f.name === Object.keys(document)[i]);
if (field) {
if (field.type === FieldTypes.Date) processedDocument[field.name] = new Date(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Number) processedDocument[field.name] = Number(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Boolean) processedDocument[field.name] = Boolean(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.ObjectId) processedDocument[field.name] = String(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Array && !Array.isArray(document[field.name])) processedDocument[field.name] = Array(document[field.name]);
else if (field.type === FieldTypes.Object) processedDocument[field.name] = Object(document[field.name]);
else processedDocument[field.name] = document[field.name];
processedDocument[isUpdate ? 'updatedAt' : 'createdAt'] = Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
return processedDocument;
* Performs an aggregation operation on the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object[]} query - The aggregation pipeline stages.
* @param {Object} options - Additional options for the aggregation.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the aggregation process.
* @returns {Promise<any>} A Promise that resolves with the result of the aggregation.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const aggregationResult = await this.aggregate([{ $match: { status: 'active' } }]);
aggregate: MongoAggregate = async (query, options) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.aggregate(this.$name, query, options), query);
* Performs a find operation on the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance,
* returning the first document that matches the specified query.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria.
* @param {Object} options - Additional options for the find operation.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the find operation.
* @returns {Promise<any | null>} A Promise that resolves with the found document or null if not found.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const foundDocument = await this.findOne({ username: 'john_doe' });
findOne: MongoFindOne = async (query, options) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.findOne(this.$name, query, options), query);
* Performs a find operation on the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance,
* returning a cursor to the documents that match the specified query.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria.
* @param {Object} options - Additional options for the find operation.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the find operation.
* @returns {Promise<any>} A Promise that resolves with the cursor to the found documents.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const cursor = await this.find({ status: 'active' });
find: MongoFind = async (query, options) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.find(this.$name, query, options), query);
* Counts the number of documents in the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance
* that match the specified query.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the count operation.
* @returns {Promise<number>} A Promise that resolves with the count of matching documents.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const documentCount = await this.count({ status: 'active' });
count: MongoCount = async (query) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.count(this.$name, query), query);
* Performs a find-and-modify operation on the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance,
* returning the modified document.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria for finding the document to update.
* @param {Object} update - The update operation to apply to the found document.
* @param {boolean} [upsert=false] - If true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria.
* @param {string} [useModifier='$set'] - The modifier to use for the update operation.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the update operation.
* @returns {Promise<any | null>} A Promise that resolves with the modified document or null if not found.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const updatedDocument = await this.findOneAndUpdate({ username: 'john_doe' }, { $set: { status: 'inactive' } });
findOneAndUpdate: MongoFindOneAndUpdate = async (query, update, upsert = false, useModifier = '$set') => {
return await this.dispatchAction(
async () => await this.$queryBuilder.findOneAndUpdate(this.$name, query, this.processDocument(update, true), upsert, useModifier),
* Updates a single document in the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria for finding the document to update.
* @param {Object} update - The update operation to apply to the found document.
* @param {boolean} [upsert=false] - If true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria.
* @param {string} [useModifier='$set'] - The modifier to use for the update operation.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the update operation.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A Promise that resolves with a boolean indicating the success of the update operation.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const isUpdated = await this.updateOne({ username: 'john_doe' }, { status: 'inactive' }, '$set');
updateOne: MongoUpdateOne = async (query, update, upsert = false, useModifier = '$set') => {
return await this.dispatchAction(
async () => await this.$queryBuilder.updateOne(this.$name, query, this.processDocument(update, true), upsert, useModifier),
* Updates multiple documents in the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria for finding the documents to update.
* @param {Object} document - The update operation to apply to the found documents.
* @param {string} [useModifier='$set'] - The modifier to use for the update operation.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the update operation.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A Promise that resolves with a boolean indicating the success of the update operation.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const areUpdated = await this.updateMany({ status: 'active' }, { status: 'inactive' }, '$set');
updateMany: MongoUpdateMany = async (query, document, useModifier = '$set') => {
return await this.dispatchAction(
async () => await this.$queryBuilder.updateMany(this.$name, query, this.processDocument(document, true), useModifier),
* Deletes multiple documents in the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria for finding the documents to delete.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the delete operation.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A Promise that resolves with a boolean indicating the success of the delete operation.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const areDeleted = await this.deleteMany({ status: 'inactive' });
deleteMany: MongoDelete = async (query) => await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.deleteMany(this.$name, query));
* Deletes a single document in the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} query - The query criteria for finding the document to delete.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the delete operation.
* @returns {Promise<boolean>} A Promise that resolves with a boolean indicating the success of the delete operation.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const isDeleted = await this.deleteOne({ status: 'inactive' });
deleteOne: MongoDelete = async (query) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.deleteOne(this.$name, query));
* Inserts a single document into the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object} document - The document to be inserted.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the insert operation.
* @returns {Promise<any | null>} A Promise that resolves with the inserted document or null if insertion fails.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const insertedDocument = await this.insertOne({ username: 'john_doe', status: 'active' });
insertOne: MongoInsertOne = async (document) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.insertOne(this.$name, this.processDocument(document)));
* Inserts multiple documents into the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {Object[]} documents - An array of documents to be inserted.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the insert operation.
* @returns {Promise<any | null>} A Promise that resolves with the inserted documents or null if insertion fails.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const insertedDocuments = await this.insertMany([{ username: 'john_doe', status: 'active' }, { username: 'jane_doe', status: 'inactive' }]);
insertMany: MongoInsertMany = async (documents) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(
async () =>
await this.$queryBuilder.insertMany(
documents.map((doc) => this.processDocument(doc))
* Finds a document in the MongoDB collection associated with the current instance based on the provided query.
* If no document is found, a new document is inserted into the collection using the provided document.
* @async
* @method
* @memberof MongoODM.Model
* @param {MongoQuery} query - The query criteria to find an existing document.
* @param {MongoDocument} document - The document to insert if no existing document is found.
* @throws {Error} If an error occurs during the find or insert operation.
* @returns {Promise<MongoDocument | null>} A Promise that resolves with the found or inserted document, or null if an error occurs.
* @example
* // Usage within the class:
* const query = { username: 'john_doe' };
* const newDocument = { username: 'john_doe', email: 'john@example.com' };
* const result = await this.findOneOrCreate(query, newDocument);
findOneOrCreate: MongoFindOneOrCreate = async (query, document) => {
return await this.dispatchAction(async () => await this.$queryBuilder.findOneOrCreate(this.$name, query, this.processDocument(document)), query);
export default Model;